Books written by
Gregg Eisenberg
Letting Go Is All We Have
To Hold Onto
Mind-Altering Jokes
"Mind-bending oxymorons for that neurotic nephew, sensitive sister, or perplexed parent".
"An 'iconoclassic' for all ages!"
“The people's guide to paradox."
“Hegelian humor for Orwellian times!”
"For people in recovery from the self-help industry."
World on My Mind
The Gregg Eisenberg
Book of Songs
Welcome to the world of Heavy Meadow!
This hardcover collection features the full anthology of original compositions, with song lyrics and links (QR codes) to every recording online. Gregg's music can also be found at www.heavymeadow.org, or on Spotify by clicking here.
Explore the depths of Gregg's creativity and craft with "World on My Mind."
The Butterfly of Happiness
A Buddhist Fairytale for Children
Children (of all ages) chase after happiness, long after things they don't have, and pursue objects of desire - but sometimes we need to go on a journey to learn how to stop chasing - and how to let them "come to us." Based on a childhhood poem.
"Buy Here Now"
Love Without Madness
Amor Sin Locura
Poetry by Gregg Eisenberg in Spanish and English
"Cubist love poetry" presented in English and Spanish (with origional photography) offers readers of both languages a glimpse into the surrealistic imagination of the poet. Watch the writer perform live spoken word + improvisational jazz accompaniment in the show
Esta colección de "poesía de amor de Cubista" (con 18 fotografías originales) se presenta en español e inglés, con la intención de ofrecer a los lectores en español una visión de la imaginación surrealista del poeta.