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Chop Wood | Carry Water | Charge Phone, Cloud Station Crestone CO
Think of Me When You're Meditating, Museum of Boulder CO
Even the Earth is Bipolar Chabot Planetarium, Oakland CA
Even the Earth is Bipolar OMSI Planetarium, Portland OR
I'm Going Aggressively New Age
Boulder Bookstore, Boulder CO
Even the Earth is Bipolar IV, Fiske Planetarium, Boulder CO
Follow Your Bris: A Slice of Jewish Humour, Boulder CO
The Sedona Monologues
Sedona AZ
Homage to the Thief, The back Room- Berkeley CA
The Salida Monologues
Salida CO
Homage to the Thief
Boulder CO
Truth Be Told, Dairy Center for the Arts, Boulder CO
Enlighten Up! Conference on Sustainable Happiness, Colorado University Law School, Boulder CO
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